2025 Cell Phone Policy

2025 Cell Phone Policy


JBHS follows state, county, and district regulations regarding the use of cell phones by students.

BUSD Policy & and Goals: 

In accordance with AB 3216 (Attached below), we will be implementing a comprehensive cell phone policy tailored to our school's needs. This policy will be developed with input from students, parents, teachers, and staff to ensure it aligns with our community's values and priorities. Our goal is to foster a learning environment that supports both academic success and personal growth. Based on the feedback received, we have collaborated with Burbank High School, Burbank Unified School District Administrators, and the Burbank Unified School District Board of Education to draft a policy outlining specific guidelines and restrictions on smartphone use during instructional time. We will pilot this cell phone policy at John Burroughs High School starting January 6, 2025, for the next semester.


JBHS Cell Phone Policy: Cell Phones/Electronic Devices

BUSD Board Policy permits cell phones on campus; however, students must use cell phones appropriately. Board policy states, “Students may possess portable communication devices on the district property and at district-sponsored events. Students must ensure that their device is turned off and out of sight during times of unauthorized use.” (BUSD AR 5131, Attached below. Please also reference BP 5131, Attached below).

  • Each teacher will clearly explain their classroom expectations and the process on where the device will be located during the instructional time.
  • Students who violate classroom electronic expectations will face progressive discipline consequences as determined by the classroom teacher. 
  • Excessive electronic device usage violation, may result in progressive discipline. See “actions” below. If a student does not comply with teacher expectations, it may be considered defiance and therefore, is subject to additional consequences for administration.


Progressive actions for Cell Phone Policy violations:

Electronic Device Violations

Suggested Action

Violation 1:

-Teacher gives warning & reviews the classroom policy with the student.


Violation 2:

-Teacher reviews classroom policy

-Teacher may assign a classroom consequence. 

-Teacher will contact parent.

-Teacher will work with student and parent to create an action plan


Violation 3 (and all after):

-Phone may be sent to JBHS Student Services with the students name and ID number for parent pick up.

-Teacher/Parent/Student/Administrator in-person meeting may be called to create action plan if continued defiance is an issue.


Office Procedures:

Once we receive the phone to the office we make sure that the student name and ID number is on the cell phone (a piece of paper or post it). Students may come trying to use their cell phones to call parents but cannot do so with their own device. They can however use the school's student phone at the front office to contact their parents.


Cell phones are kept in a phone box with the Student Services Senior Secretary and can be kept until the following morning if parents are unable to pick the device the same day. There is also a binder with the cell phone box to Log all of the phones that have been confiscated.

In Summary:

This is not a cell phone ban, this new policy limits the use of personal devices during the Instructional time. Students will be able to use their devices during passing periods, nutrition and lunch.